My Boston and Maine Layout on a Virtual Tour
Hello everyone. My layout recently appeared on the Capital Region Model Railroad Tour up here in Ottawa.
To view the 42 minute presentation on YouTube simply copy and paste the link below into your computer's browser.
Below are "snippit" images I took from the video. Their clarity is not as good as stills, but they serve to give you an idea of the content of the video tour!
You can enlarge each image by clicking on it. To return to the default look of the page, click outside the image.
The first segment was an introductory one.
Then I offered a video view following an outbound train around the entire layout.
The layout schematic.
Following a Maine Central train through the big curve in North Dover.
Crossing the Salmon River from New Hampshire to the state of Maine.
Cover shot from MR's Great Model Railroads 2004.
Looking up shot at the New England River Bridge.
A portion of the schedule.Train N2 exits the inbound end of Marshall Cut.
Noon time in North Dover.
Lifting tank cars for the incoming "Oil Can".
MEC's "Oil Can" reaches the interlocking and holds the junction.
The B&M is the superior railroad so the Maine Central crew must hold the interlocking for clearance onto Boston and Maine rails.
Evening time over the Salmon River.
The Maine Central in hot pursuit.
The "Oil Can" arrives town.
My map of the three railroads.
This GP7 is equally comfortable hauling passengers as well as freight.
Check out the train lighting box on the long hood.
Station stop in North Dover.
Staging at the duckunder.
Surround staging.
MEC staging.
Short local staging.
Overall look.
Trains traversing staging.
View to the right from the duckunder entrance to the room.
Passing the tower at Lowell Jct. This staging location also acts as Rigby Yard up in Portland as well...the south and the north!
A cowl bodied locomotive.
The F2 is connected to an A-B set of FT's.
On the roll to North Dover outbound.
A manifest freight.

Check out that gondola load.
Two buggies for the price of one.
The Boundary Road crossing.
A "going away" shot at the interlocking.
Conley Lumber and Coal.
Paperwork - switch lists and train orders.
That little BL2 is a little darling!
Love the long cupola buggy!
Departing Maine for New Hampshire.
Early morning work in the yard.
Love those "Bluebirds" so much!
Those boxcars with the interlaced "B over M" look really sweet!
As does that blue and black brass buggy!
Testing the curve off Stanley Bridge over the Salmon River.
A "high green" aspect gives the crew permission across the span and Haney Gorge.
Traversing the New England River Bridge.
A "brace of blue" for the eyes!
Milk anyone?
Boundary Road separates the urban scenes from the rural ones on the layout.
The RS2's are "all maroon" on the B&M.
Through the crossing!
Into North Dover we spot a "Back to the Future" car...that Smart Car!
The Rail Diesel Car approaches the station.
That milk car will be lifted in short order.
The team track.
The freight house.
We await the passenger train.
A Maine Central E-unit holds the honours on this day.
Pulling up to the station.
Some local switching.
Another passenger train arrives town, "The East Wind".
Another car lifted for another train.
Outside my layout room you will find the numerous dioramas I have created over time.
One of my more recent dioramas.
My O-scale scratchbuild of a machine shop.
This is still a project very much "in progress".
I've really enjoyed this build of the Sierra West Scale Models machines.
Everything else has been scratchbuilt.
In my crew lounge.
Lots of items of interest for visitors.
A few freight cars in differing scales.
Yet another diorama.
Such a great hobby.
This is the first scene when you walk down my basement stairs.
Love that work of art of the train at midnight...nicely framed!
Thanks for checking in on my blog entries!
All the best and stay safe!
Mike Hamer. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Great post Mike. Nice to catch up. Cheers
Hi Wayne, So nice hearing from you! How are things going with you? Yes, our city held a "virtual tour" this year seeing as the pandemic scuttled visitors from heading around to view the region's many and diverse layouts. All the best, Mike.
My name is Alessandro Cavalieri
I am a railway model maker from Bologna in Italy
Lots of compliments for the model railway I've known since 2004
I have that month's Model Railroader magazine.
In the blog I saw beautiful works, dioramas and railway vehicles.
I have a point-to-point arrangement in an entire room on two levels
the upper one is only the train parking lot.
A lot of freight traffic, few travelers.
First train at 8 even now that I'm 70 I really want to continue.
i don't know english well i used google translate ...
sorry for any mistakes.
That's all!
Greetings to you and your whole family
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