Some of my interesting visitors have included Rod Johnston, the husband of Lyne who created the well-known comic strip "For Better or Worse" where she often makes fun of his interest in trains. Walter Gretzky, the father of Wayne Gretzky of NHL fame telephoned to come over one time when he was visiting friends in the Ottawa area. Unfortunately, my wife had to give him the message that I was out of town giving a scenery clinic on model railroading! It was also a thrill hosting Tony Koester and Jim Hediger from Model Railroader Magazine in my home. The well-known modelling team of Bill and Mary Miller dropped in as did a crew of Master Model Railroaders from all over Ontario and other parts of the continent during a convention a few years back. I still get a big kick out of opening the pages of my guest book and reading all the comments people leave. I must say, every continent of the world is accounted for! This past week, in particular, was a milestone one for the layout. Read on...

known as Zavuka. The music from this inter-racial band influenced those whose ambition it was to bring down the walls of Apertheid...and what an influence they were...and continue to be. In fact, Nelson Mandela asked Derek and Johnny to play at his inauguration as President of South Africa upon his release from prison. That's Derek on the left with other members of the band.

Derek certainly had many a tale to tell about life as a stoker aboard these behemoth locomotives, but that's for another day.

I ran a lengthy freight train and he counted 38 cars being pulled by four engines. I then ran the short local you see pictured here behind B&M RS2 #1503. As a gift, I gave Justin and his parents a number of "black and whites" of the layout (I prefer them to colour images as they seem to suit the 1950's era better) and Justin was presented with a handful of Thomas the Tank colouring pages which thrilled him immensely!
Yes, model railroading is not only fun...it spans the ages and the globe!
Cheers, Mike
PS. The image of the Garrat was taken in 1964 by E. Marggraf
Check out my other weblog which details my train operating round robin group at www.fridaynightgroup.blogspot.com
Excellent Mike. The honours couldn't have gone to a better lad. Congratulations to 3 year old Justin. Nice story about Derek as well. (I'll have to go and count the names in my guest book now.) Marty on Vancouver Island
I am really impressed at the innovative way you have shared your layout and your love for the hobby and the two best railroads in New England! Thanks for sharing with us
Mike Sherbak
Fellow MEC/B&M modeler
deployed to Baghdad Iraq
Thats a lot of traffic over the years. I bumped into some of your crew at the 07 Kingston Rail show and they gave a brief explanation of the FNG. Does the group receive visitors?
Sean, the FNG always enjoys visitors. They are a great group of lads. If ever you are up Ottawa way, you are more than welcome to come by and see the layout!
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