Indeed, Maine is a lumber state, dotted with countless papermills. This has enabled me the opportunity to run "unit trains" on my small, yet busy, 11x13 layout. Wanting to operate such a train of similar cars, I was faced with the choice of hauling either pulpwood or tanker traffic in long drags behind lashups of maroon & gold and green & gold Maine Central motive power. My decision was made easy when Proto2000 came out with their highly detailed tankcar kits. I chose to operate a unit tanker train which I have nicknamed, "The Oil Can". (Yes, I patiently constructed thirty of these kits - in an assembly line approach - to have sufficient cars for "the look" of a unit train and to have enough on the sidings in town for exchange purposes!)

The handsome EMD inspired livery of the Maine Central makes it a perfect cousin to the Boston and Maine as the photographs will attest!
I consider the Maine Central to be a survivor, and indeed it has to this day...as a major player in my model railroad world of New England.
Cheers, Mike Hamer
Check out my other weblog which details my train operating round robin group at www.fridaynightgroup.blogspot.com
Mike, I really enjoy your blog and it has inspired me to do the same for my model railroad. Although I have a dedictaed web site for my layout, I was struggling with the best way to publish additional information, how to's etc., and this format seems like a great way to go! So, I created the mainecentral.blogspot.com blog for myself. I hope you agree that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery as I used the same look and feel as your blog.
Hi Mike,
That's great! I'm so glad that you've created a blog for your railroad. Yours is one of the great ones. I look forward to visiting your blog frequently!
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